

This is what I love to do, and if I were independently wealthy, I'd be your pastor for free. 

I'm not independently wealthy, and this is how I support myself.
So let's do this Amanda Palmer style.  Please consider what my services are worth to you, and what you are able to afford, and pay me what you think is fair.
Here are some factors you might consider in making your decision:
  • I never, ever, want someone who needs my services not to ask me because they can't afford to pay.  I've married couples who were homeless at the time, and did it for free. 
  • This is a profession for which I have a master's degree, and associated student loans.
  • What are you paying other professionals for your event?  Florist?  DJ?  Funeral Director?  What did I contribute to your day, in comparison to them?
  • How well did I understand your values and meet your needs?
  • Just like you're trusting me with your most sacred days, I'm going to trust you, and the Universe, that I'll make enough to support my passion for serving our community.
Here is one request I will make, for couples getting married: If you'd like me to come to either your rehearsal dinner or your reception, maybe to say a blessing, or just to celebrate with you, I'd love to do this, but will you please give me an "and guest" invitation?  It's hard to spend every Friday and Saturday night away from my sweetie, and that way we'd get a date night too. Besides, he brings some life to the party!
If my work here is valuable to you, and you'd like to contribute, you can do so at

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